Friday, January 6, 2017

How to Develop Sustainable Weight Loss Thinking

If you want to get off the vicious cycle of losing weight only to regain it back and finally achieve sustainable weight loss you need to realize the following 7 things:

1) If you want to lose weight and keep it off you must change the habitual behaviors that lead to you being overweight in the first place. 

2)  Before you can change any behavior you must first believe that is possible. 

3)  The only way to change habitual behaviors is through small steps and one behavior at a time. 

4)  Fast results are impossible to maintain because the only way to achieve fast results is through big changes and with big changes you can't develop new habitual behaviors.  Without the development of new habitual behaviors sustainable weight loss is impossible

5) You need to realize that you are in charge of yourself.  If you are not happy with your current shape you have the ability to change whatever needs to be changed in order to get in shape.  Think about it?  If you are not in charge of yourself who is?  Yes, I understand a lot of your behavior are habitual so you are not completely aware of them, but if a habitual behavior is bad for your health you still have the ability to change that habitual behavior. It is up to you, no one else. 

6)  Now, is the only time you control, not yesterday and not tomorrow.  So if you want to make a change in your life, focus on what you can change right now.  Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do right now.  The problem with tomorrow is that it never comes.  There is no point of dwelling on what you did yesterday either.  There is nothing you can do about what you did yesterday or even a minute ago.  Whatever happened, happened, learn from it and move one.  Dwelling on it will not change a thing.

7) You must be patient, it takes time to develop new behaviors and make them habitual.  Habits are like seeds they won't grow into a plant overnight and they need to be watered and nurtured in order to grow into a plant.  But once you have developed all the right habitual behaviors, keeping the weight off will be almost effortless.  Again, my question to people who want fast results is, what is the point of losing weight fast if you are going to gain the weight back?  Wouldn't you rather take your time and do it the right way so you never have to worry about your weight again?

The ironic thing is that losing weight by making permanent changes in your habitual behaviors only seems slow, but in reality is the fastest way, by far, to losing weight because you only need to do it once. Whereas the fast way, you need to keep losing the same weight over and over again every year with no end in sight. I know people who have been losing weight the fast way for years and they are still overweight.  So my question is, which way is really faster?

In all my years in the weight loss field, I have never seen a method that works better in helping people lose weight and keep it off than small, steady changes over time.  This is not just the best way to achieve sustainable weight loss, this is the only way to achieve sustainable weight loss.

Let me give you an analogy.  If you were the pilot of a Boeing 747 and you were flying from NY to Fiji and as soon as you took off you realized that the autopilot is set to fly to Antarctica, what would you do? Would you just grab the wheel and just turn it in the direction you want the plane to go and fight the autopilot the whole way to Fiji, or would you take the time to reprogram the autopilot to fly you to Fiji?  Of course, you would do the latter, it makes sense. 

Well, we also come with an autopilot, our subconscious mind.  Our habitual behaviors are the programs that determine where the autopilot will take us.  If you don't want to go where your autopilot is taking you wouldn’t it make sense to change the program (habitual behaviors) of your autopilot?   I think the answer is obvious. Change the programming in your autopilot and your task of getting in shape all of a sudden becomes much easier. 

This is the way I have been approaching weight loss for years at my facility, Live Your Way Thin, located in Danbury, Connecticut, with great success.   

Starting sometime mid-January, 2017 I will start offering online personal training & coaching, so no matter where you live in the world you can join my sustainable weight loss program.  I will be making an official announcement about my online personal training & coaching very soon!  If you are interested in my online personal training & coaching program, when the program becomes available you will be able to access it and learn more about it, by going to this link:

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