The problem is that the vast majority of weight loss programs have focused on what people want because it is easier to sell a program that delivers what people want. People want fast results! For the most part, most weight loss programs are able to deliver on their promise. The problem is that the fast results that they deliver are also temporary results, but I guess, that is not their
problem. Besides, that is good for business; repeat customers. The fact is that fast results are almost impossible to maintain because in order to get fast results you need to make big changes in your eating and activity behaviors all at once, and big changes all at once almost always lead to burnout. This is why most weight loss programs fail to help people keep the weight off long term.
The fact is, the only way to lose weight and keep it off is through permanent changes in your habitual behaviors and the only way you can do that is by changing one behavior at a time.
I understand that people want fast results, but sometimes in life, what we want and what we need are two different things. I don't know about other weight loss experts, but I did not get into the weight loss field to help people lose weight temporarily, I got into the weight loss field to help people lose the weight for the rest of their lives. So my focus is on telling people what they need to do in order to achieve sustainable results and if that means fewer people join my weight loss program because that is not what they want to hear, I am fine with it. I can sleep well at night because I know that people who I am helping to lose weight, they have the best chance of keeping the weight off for life. I also know that sooner or later the people who want fast results at any cost will get tired of losing weight, only to regain the weight back. When they do and they are ready to lose weight the sustainable way, I will be there to help them.
I call my approach to weight loss, The Live Your Way Thin System, and it is a very simple system. The fact is, losing weight and getting in shape does not have to be hard or complicated. The fitness industry has brainwashed people into thinking that in order to lose weight you must workout hard, you must eat certain foods, you must count every calorie, basically, that the whole weight loss process is a hard and complicated process.
The fact is the only reason the weight loss process is complicated is because the fitness industry has made it that way so they can sell more DVDs, and to make people more dependent upon fitness trainers and nutritionists. It does not have to be that way. To lose weight and improve your health is a very simple process but it takes patience which, unfortunately, many people don't have.
The only way you will achieve sustainable weight loss is by making permanent changes in your daily habitual behaviors. Your current habitual behaviors got you to the shape you are in today and the only way you are going to change permanently your current shape is by changing the habitual behaviors that got you here!
The best way to develop new habits is through repetition. In other words, an action must be repeated many times before it becomes habitual and the best way to ensure you keep repeating an action long enough to make it a habit is to keep the action simple. That is why when I help people lose weight, I try to keep the whole process very simple and very easy to follow. The question I always ask people who want to lose weight fast at any cost is this: “What is the point of losing weight fast if you are going to regaining the weight back? Wouldn't you rather take a little extra time to lose weight the sustainable way by developing the right habitual behaviors and never have to worry about your weight again?
Stavros Mastrogiannis
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