Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Why Are We Still Losing The Weight Loss Battle?

95% of people who lose weight, regain the weight back!
Every month some new diet or weight loss program comes out, claiming they have the secret that will  This has been going on for years and although there are thousands of weight loss and diet programs on the market today, we are still gaining weight as a nation, with no end in sight. 
help you lose all the weight you want overnight.

The fact is there is no secret when it comes to losing weight and getting in shape.  The main reason why we are still losing the weight loss battle is not because we have not come up with the right workout or the perfect diet, but because most weight loss and diet programs focus on the wrong thing when it comes to sustainable weight loss.  

You see, most weight loss and diet programs focus on the weight people want to lose and that is the mistake.  Yes, you read correctly, if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you should not be focusing on the weight you want to lose.  The thing that people (and many fitness professionals) need to realize is that we don’t have a weight problem, what we have is a behavioral problem; weight gain is only the symptom.  If you want to eliminate a symptom permanently, you need to eliminate the cause of the symptom.  When it comes to weight gain, the cause is our daily habitual behaviors.  So if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you need focus on the habitual behaviors you need to change in order to lose weight, and not on the weight you want to lose. 

Unfortunately, most weight loss and diet programs on the market today don’t help people lose weight by eliminating the habitual behaviors that got them overweight, but through temporary changes in their eating and activity behaviors, so they can lose weight fast.   This is the biggest reason why over 95% of people regain the weight back after they lose it. 

If you want to lose weight and keep it off, this is how you do it.  First, identify the habitual behaviors responsible for your weight gain.  Second, you need to work on changing one unhealthy behavior at a time.  This is the way I have been approaching weight loss with my clients for years, and as far as sustainable weight loss goes, there is no other weight loss system out there that can compete with the success of my system.

I have been in the weight loss business for close to 25 years and I don’t know of any other system that works better at helping people achieve sustainable weight loss than changing your habitual behaviors.  The sad fact is that most weight loss programs don’t really care about sustainable weight loss - all they care about is what sells and what sells is fast weight loss. 

My question to people who want fast weight loss is this.  What is the point of losing weight fast if you are going to regain the weight back?  Wouldn’t you rather take a little extra time and do it the sustainable way and never have to worry about your weight again?  Besides, the sustainable way only seems slower, but in reality, it is the fastest way to lose weight because you only need to lose the weight once.

If you would like to learn more about the Live Your Way Thin approach to sustainable weight loss, visit my website

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